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This repository contains the completed test project for Trodo, implementing a currency rate conversion chart using an external API. The project includes a NestJS backend, a NextJS SSR frontend, and is designed to run with a CI/CD pipeline, Nginx reverse proxy, and PM2 process management. It is fully documented at and includes setup instructions, detailed API documentation, and testing protocols.

Project Overview

  • Backend: NestJS API with MySQL database and TypeORM, with Sentry for monitoring.
  • Frontend: Next.js (SSR) PWA with Redux and 100% Lighthouse score.
  • CI/CD: GitHub Actions configured for unit, integration, and e2e testing.
  • Production Setup: Nginx reverse proxy, PM2 process management, self-hosted runner.
  • Documentation: Full project documentation hosted via Jekyll in /docs.

Table of Contents

  1. Project Structure
  2. Setup Instructions
  3. Development Commands
  4. Testing
  5. Production Setup
  6. CI/CD Pipeline
  7. Documentation

Project Structure

├── .github              # GitHub Actions for CI/CD
├── admin                # Admin tools, including database dump and ecosystem config for PM2
├── back                 # Backend API (NestJS)
├── docs                 # Jekyll documentation for full project overview
├── front                # Main frontend (Next.js, SSR, PWA)
└── front-vanilla        # Alternate frontend in vanilla React (is working)

Setup Instructions

1. Repository and Dependencies

First, download the repository and install the dependencies for each section:

git clone <repository-url>
cd <repository-directory>

2. Backend Setup (NestJS)

  1. Navigate to the backend directory:
    cd back
  2. Install MySQL (if not installed). Then create a new MySQL database.

  3. Configure Environment Variables:
    • Duplicate example.env as .env in the back folder.
    • Fill out .env with your MySQL connection details.
  4. Install dependencies:
    npm install
  5. Run Database Migrations:
    npm run typeorm migration:run
  6. Load Initial Data:
    • Navigate to the admin folder and load the currencies.sql file to populate the database with initial values:
      mysql -u <username> -p <database_name> < admin/currencies.sql
  7. Start Development Server:
    npm run start:dev

Note: For testing environments, you may need to install MySQL and SQLite3 globally to avoid any errors:

npm install -g mysql sqlite3

3. Frontend Setup (Next.js)

  1. Navigate to the frontend directory:
    cd ../front
  2. Configure Environment Variables:
    • Duplicate example.env as .env and customize as needed.
  3. Install dependencies:
    npm install
  4. Start Development Server:
    npm run dev

Development Commands

Backend Commands

  • Run Development Server: npm run start:dev
  • Run Database Migrations: npm run typeorm migration:run
  • Run Backend Tests: npm run test

Frontend Commands

  • Start Frontend Dev Server: npm run dev
  • Build for Production: npm run build
  • Start Production Server: npm start


This project uses a comprehensive suite of tests, including unit, integration, and end-to-end (e2e) tests. GitHub Actions handles automated testing in the CI/CD pipeline, and tests can also be run locally.

  • Run Backend Tests:
    cd back
    npm run test
  • Run Frontend Tests:
    cd ../front
    npm run test

Production Setup

1. PM2 Process Management

Use PM2 to manage Node processes for a zero-downtime setup.

  1. Navigate to the admin folder and use the provided PM2 ecosystem file:
    cd ../admin
    pm2 start ecosystem.config.js
  2. Monitor with PM2:
    pm2 monit

2. Nginx Configuration

To serve the application with Nginx, use the provided configuration file in the admin folder:

  1. Copy Nginx Configuration: Place the nginx.conf from admin into your Nginx configuration directory (usually /etc/nginx/sites-available), and create a symbolic link in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled.

  2. Reload Nginx:

    sudo systemctl reload nginx

CI/CD Pipeline

GitHub Actions are configured to handle automated testing and deployment. A self-hosted runner can be set up to speed up testing:

  1. Set Up Self-Hosted Runner: Follow the instructions in .github/workflows/ to create a self-hosted runner for faster testing during development.

  2. Use GitHub Actions Commands:

    • Refer to the .pipeline.yml file in admin for CI/CD setup.
    • The pipeline automates build, testing, and deployment steps as defined in GitHub Actions workflows.


Full documentation is generated with Jekyll and is available in the docs folder. To view documentation locally:

  1. Navigate to docs:
    cd ../docs
  2. Serve Documentation:
    bundle exec jekyll serve

    Documentation will be available at http://localhost:4000.

For live documentation, visit